Que faire à Wattrelos


Comment se loger à Wattrelos

Guides et cartes utiles

Pour avoir plus d’informations sur les bon plans, les visites ou monuments à voir à Wattrelos je vous conseille fortement de vous procurer un guide de voyage (Lonely Planet, Routard, GEO). Les références ne manquent pas. Voici quelques suggestions :

[amazon-product-search keywords= »guide Wattrelos » item_count= »6″]

Que faut-il prendre pour visiter Wattrelos

Dans le cas où vous partez pour une visite à la journée de Wattrelos. Il est tout de même préférable de prendre un petit sac à dos avec vous (20 litres au maximum) Ne prenez pas trop de chose. Une batterie externe pour recharger votre téléphone. Votre appareil photo ou perche à selfie, de quoi boire et vous protéger des éléments extérieurs (pluie / froid). Pour plus d’informations vous pouvez lire notre guide pour savoir quoi mettre dans votre sac à dos en voyage.

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Récis de voyage à Wattrelos

In the night, I hear the German coming in, but I go back to sleep without paying much attention. The next day, when my alarm rings at half past eight, it is already up. I take this opportunity to explain my problem to him, and ask him if he would not have an adapter to lend me. I’m lucky he handed me one before he left. I hurry to connect my computer to which I connect camera, Ipod and laptop to load everything at the same time. Fortunately for me, it goes pretty fast for the camera, so I leave the room around ten, but ready to take new shots. Programme Au.. : Kowloon and its various markets. I have counted half a dozen, and ideally I would like to make one or two before going to a very good and cheap restaurant indicated in my guide. Problem, I went out quite late because of these battery problems, and the guide says that if I didn’t book, it’s no use arriving at the restaurant after eleven and a half hours. To cross to Kowloon, two options are possible: A few minutes later, here I am at the Kowloon pier, lost again in the crowd, even though here the harbour and the entrance to the city look a little more horizontal. I walk along the shore in front of the belfry of Kowloon, and the Hong Kong Museum of Space, until I reach the subway. It’s eleven o’clock, it’s just going to make a market before the restaurant… I accelerate the pace, and enter the nearest station..: Est Tsim Tsa Shui Tsim Tsa Shui. One thing to know with the Hong Kong metro is that the stations are almost as long as the distances that connect them. Honestly, it’s madness, they stretch hundreds of metres underground. The one I’m currently in looks particularly tough: Problème maintenant : I enter a kind of small café, not really a café, but much too small to be qualified as a restaurant. I see the cook at the entrance who seems to be making Hong Kong speciality dim sum, so I order a soup with shrimp dim sum and pray to heaven they are not seasoned with peanut oil. When the waitress brings her back to me a few moments later, I ask her in Chinese if she might have some tea. She comes back a few moments later with a fork… Nope. I try this time in English, but she doesn’t understand anything, so one of the younger clients tells her what I want. Victoire, here she comes again this time with a glass of black tea. The problem with soup and tea is that it may quench your thirst, but it doesn’t really refresh. Just in front of the restaurant, I see a mini park, with, what looks like games for children in the center (even if it is in fact the old people who come to do their exercises there). I sit on a bench next to a big Chinese man who seems to take a nap and enjoys the softness of the shade. I even gladly advise a small drinking water fountain: Well, it’s not all that, but it’s 1:00, and I still haven’t done anything I planned. Let’s be methodical and start with what’s closest to us: Fa Yuen Market, but I feel there’s a problem with my card. Here I am in the middle of the street of the famous market, I quickly understand why : They also propose many other fish, even turtles, and in some I see reptiles. Some shops sell the animals, others the equipment to house and feed them. At the entrance there is usually a kind of wall covered with sachets filled with water each containing a small fish. It is very confusing, but also very aesthetic. Quite enthusiastic, I continue my way towards the Flowers Market, not far from there. On a long street, shops offering flowers and bouquets abound once again. Since I have a busy schedule, I don’t fit in every store, but I admit I’m a little disappointed. I’ve seen so many extraordinary things, that the show, although dazzling, seems a bit bland. However, I am delighted by the Bird Market which is located just at the end of the Flower Market street. I am immediately greeted by a strong smell and a cacophony of peeps of all kinds. J’aperçois des cages un peu partout : Enchanted by the show I attended, I set a course north. Direction the New Territories (not very far from Kowloon however) to visit a Taoist temple: Temple Sik Sik Sik Yuen. I get off the subway and immediately fall on it: Man Mo d’hier. It also seems to be much more popular, by what seems to me at first to be tourists, but I would say that at least a third of the visitors are there to pray. The temple is richly decorated, the main door is framed by two massive and imposing dragons. When one enters, one falls into a kind of very wide courtyard, where twelve statues of ebony surround it. Each represents an astrological sign of the Chinese calendar, the whole is most impressive. After staying there for a while, I enter the temple itself: I continue on my way which, after having taken me before several other statues of divinities, leads me before a wide door at the back of the temple. A little intrigued, I cross it and completely change universe: Trees, flowing water, the contrast with the bustle of the temple is striking. I arrived in the temple garden where time seems to have stopped. Unfortunately, the place closes at 5:30 p.m., so I’m forced to leave my landmark, and break the charm. I come out of the sanctuary and here I am again in the real world: I’m north of Kowloon, and I have to go south to continue my program: Ladies Market and, if I have time, land a little in Kowloon Park. In the meantime, I am getting hungry and, given that the lunch was very reasonable, I intend to offer myself a small snack. I had spotted at Mong Kok looking for the restaurant this lunchtime, typical pastries which seemed very appetizing to me, so I return there by subway, well decided to taste it. Unfortunately, we can’t find them. Bon, que fais-je ? It is quite late, and I have planned Kowloon Park as well as a short walk along the southern seafront of Kowloon with notably the famous Avenue of the Stars, dedicated to the great stars of Chinese and Cantonese cinema. Problem, my subway card starts to be empty, and if I want to recharge it, it’s 50HK$ minimum. The problem is quickly solved: Kowloon on foot, to pass by the park, before arriving until the waterfront. I reach Nathan Road, the main artery that crosses Kowloon from top to bottom and starts to go down observing the shops that pass in front of me : I meet a Buddhist monk who asks me for money: I go on my way and walk another kilometre or two: I take a few steps and look to my left: Je finis par arriver au fameux Kowloon Park. A very pretty place, even if it is a little too dark to be able to fully admire the show. I end up choosing a bench in a quiet corner. I am surrounded by trees on all sides except the front: The only sources of light come from the skyscrapers, quite far away, and from the pool itself: I open my bag, take a loving look at my big box of Nescquick, and finish my Hong Kong cakes, which I water with fresh water from my gourd (oops, then I realize that one can neither drink nor eat in a park without taking a heavy fine). I let my thoughts wander, when my attention is suddenly drawn to the sky : Symphony of Lights begins. Then I get lost in more or less philosophical reflections that all converge towards at least one point: Tired of thinking, I take a look at the lady who just sat on the next bench..: My sweet dream breaks out with the screams of a gang of kids who come to break Antoine’s elucubration. Too bad, a little tired, I take the Avenue back and take the subway to my room where I find Simon who is about to go to bed. He tells me that he went to Lantau Island to see the big Buddha, but that he waited hours before being able to take the cable car. It is noted, I take into account his remarks, because it is my destination of tomorrow.

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Guide touristique de Wattrelos

Les visites à faire dans la ville de Wattrelos

Utopia Suite & Spa

Utopia Suite & Spa

  • Adresse : 11 rue Leuridan Noclain 59150 Wattrelos,France
  • Téléphone : +33 6 63 48 22 95

Bonita Esthetique

Bonita Esthetique

  • Adresse : 61 rue Jean Jaures 59150 Wattrelos,France
  • Téléphone : +33 3 20 02 22 66

Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions

Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires

  • Adresse : rue François Mériaux 59150 Wattrelos,France
  • Téléphone : +33 3 20 81 59 50

The Pedagogical Farm of the Lion Park

La Ferme Pedagogique du Parc du Lion

  • Adresse : 59150 Wattrelos,France
  • Téléphone : +33 3 28 33 73 08

Plus d’information sur Wattrelos

Visiter Wattrelos et ses environs

Piscines Musee De La Piscine De La Piscine

  • Site internet
  • Adresse : 23 Rue de l' Esperance, 59100 Roubaix, France -adresse
  • Téléphone : 03 20 69 23 60

Non loin de Lille, dans une belle ville appelée Roubaix, vous trouverez l’un des musées les plus intéressants de la région. Picasso. Nous ne pouvions pas nous empêcher d’approcher la cafétéria à la fin de notre visite pour manger le doux gofre typique de la région.

Municipalité de Roubaix

  • Adresse : Roubaix, France Adresse

Roubaix a été nommée ville d’histoire et d’art par le ministère français de la Culture. En 1911, c’était le centre européen du tissu et, comme partout dans le Nord de la France, il regorge d’usines produisant des tissus et des vêtements très fins. Le point culminant de la splendeur a été lorsque la ville a accueilli l’exposition internationale du textile et que le magnifique bâtiment de l’Hôtel de Ville sur la Grand Place a été inauguré. L’édifice est l’œuvre de l’architecte Victor Laloux et a été financé par les revenus de l’industrie textile, à une époque de croissance économique que l’on croyait éternelle. En 1914, avec le début de la Première Guerre mondiale, l’industrie textile subit une grave crise qui se répète également dans les années 1970.

Eglise St Martin

  • Adresse : Grand Place, Roubaix, France ® Adresse

L’église de San Martino di Roubaix est le plus ancien bâtiment de la ville. L’église originelle, construite à la fin du IXe siècle, a été remplacée par un bâtiment à trois nefs, dont le clocher de 1511 reste. La ville industrielle a connu une croissance rapide grâce au développement incroyable de l’industrie textile. Les ouvriers arrivent à Roubaix tous les jours pour chercher du travail et demandent à l’architecte Charles Leroy en 1848 d’agrandir l’église. Depuis, l’édifice compte cinq nefs de style néo-gothique.

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Les meilleures activités lors d'un séjour en Vendée

Gare de Roubaix

  • Adresse : roubaix Adresse

La gare de Roubaix fait partie du réseau national SNCf et est actuellement disproportionnée par rapport à la taille de la ville, autrefois capitale française du textile. Le bâtiment de la gare a un toit en fer forgé et a été récemment rénové. Il y a quelques trains à grande vitesse en provenance de Paris, mais pas autant qu’ à Lille, qui n’est qu’ à 10 minutes en train. Il y a un service de métro reliant les deux villes, ouvert jusqu’ à 20h00:

Grand Place de Lille

  • Adresse : grande place, roubaix, 59100 ® Adresse

La place centrale de Roubaix est appelée « Grand Place » et rappelle l’époque où la ville était le paradis de tous les ouvriers français….. Aujourd’hui, la place est principalement utilisée pour des concerts et des festivals et se caractérise par divers cafés, ainsi que par de vieilles maisons colorées et l’église de Saint Martin.

A ne pas manquer à Wattrelos

Si il vous reste encore du temps pour votre futur voyage à Wattrelos. Trouvez ci-dessous quelques idées de visites complémentaires.

  • Le Petit Parc Le Comte – gonflables et poney
  • Jardin Botanique de Tourcoing
  • La Ferme aux Oies
  • Musée des Arts et Traditions populaires de Wattrelos
  • Beffroi de Tourcoing
  • Centre d’histoire Locale
  • Musée du 5 juin 1944
  • Maison de l’Union
  • Musée régional des télécommunications en Flandres
  • Relais Nature du Canal de la Deûle à l’Escaut
  • INGRESS : Wasquehal – Ancien quai de Déchargement

Bonne visite et bon séjour à Wattrelos

Crédit photo : pixabay.com et flickr.com


A propos de l'auteur

Héhé copain voyager, Alban m'a proposé de venir parler voyage sur son blog. Il faut dire que je manie SkyScanner comme personne. Je partage ici mes astuces pour voyager moins cher et aussi mes connaissances sur les quelques pays que j'ai visités (surtout en Europe).

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